Container Love and Realflex-U technology at the Reebok Booth


10.000sqm exhibition area covered the order fair RedBlue. The focus of this trade fair was on textiles and shoes in the segments running, outdoor, walking, lifestyle and indoor.


All exterior walls of the trade show booth for our client Reebok were laminated with graphics across the entire surface. In addition to the booth, our designers created a decorative area showcasing Reebok's new U-shape technology. Inside was a test station - where trade visitors could try out on their own feet the "realflex" U-technology on display. With the help of a hair dryer, the shoe was first warmed up and made malleable. As soon as the shoe was put on, the sole then adapted precisely to the shape of the visitor's own foot.

▶︎ Further projects for Reebok



Strong signals – Fair booth for NFON /CeBit


Sophisticated experience area for Reebok at GDS Dusseldorf